What caused Mars and the Earth to change
their distances from the Sun?
Prior to Noah's flood around 9600 BC there were evidently
290 days in an Earth year. After Noah's flood it appears
there were 360 days in an Earth year till 701 BC. After 701
BC there were 365 and 1/4 days in an Earth year. It also
seems Mars used to pass very close to the Earth every
few years during this time. Around 1400 BC the Earth
experienced the long day of Joshua. Around 701 BC
the shadow of the sundial turned backward 10 "mallah"
or 100 degrees, the Earth's year lengthened to 365.25
days, and Mars moved quite a bit further away from
the Sun. In order for the Earth and Mars to have an increase
in the number of days in their years they would have had to
move further away from the Sun. In order for the Earth system
and Mars to move further away from the Sun they would have
to of gained a specific amount of angular momentum while
another massive enough planet that passed within the Earth's
sphere of influence lost that same amount of angular momentum.
I say this because of the law of the conservation of angular
momentum. This law basically says that if no outside force
acts on it the angular momentum of a system will remain
constant. Now what planet gave some of its angular momentum
to the Earth system and Mars not once, but twice? Some people
think an unidentified planet X gave some of its angular momentum
to the Earth and Mars. Using math I'll show you why I think Venus
gave some of it's angular momentum to the Earth and Mars. But
first I'll show you why I think most peoples ideas about planet X
are incorrect.
By the way Copyright 2004-2015 by Wayne Mckellips. Last
updated 24 July 2015. Please copy and share but do not
sell. You do not have permission to mirror this article or
site on the internet.
I used to think, and most people still think, Planet X has a
very elliptical orbit around the Sun. They think the orbital
period of planet X extends far beyond Pluto, where it moves
fairly slow. Then planet X comes in close and speeds up,
orbiting quickly around the Sun, around the distance the
inner planets are from the Sun. This in agreement with Kepler's
law that a planet will travel through equal areas of space
during equal periods of time. The area of space the planet
travels through is measured from the planet's start point, to
the point the planet is orbiting, to the point the planet is at,
after a specific length of time.
As planet X passed close to the Earth-Moon, Mars system,
the Earth-moon, Mars system picked up energy from planet
X which caused it as a unit to move further away from the
Sun. This increased the number of days in their years. Since
planet X yielded up some of its energy to the Earth-Moon,
Mars system, the orbital period of planet X was decreased.
Let's get some data and equations and see what probably
caused the Earth and Mars to gain in angular momentum.
Some data and equations:
Mass of Sun = 1.989 e 30 kg. Mass of Earth = 5.972 e 24 kg.
Radius of the Earth or the distance of the Earth from the center
of the Sun = 128,280,263,119 meters when there were 290 days in an
Earth year. Radius of the Earth at 360 days = 148,170,874,459 meters.
Radius of the Earth at 365 and 1/4 days = 150,295,000,000 meters.
Mass moon = 7.35 e 22 kg. Radius of Moon = 384,400 km. Orbital
period of moon = 709 hours. Mass Mars = 6.4219 e 23 kg. Mass
Mercury = 3.3 e 23 kg. Mercury average radius = 57,910,000,000 meters.
Period = 7,599,814 seconds. Average velocity = 47,877 m/s. Mass
Venus = 4.869 e 24 kg. Radius = 108,200,000,000 meters. Average
velocity = 35,026 m/s. Period = 19,409,463 seconds. Angular
Momentum (L) = (MVR) or mass times velocity times radius.
Universal gravity constant = 6.67390 exponent -11.
Earth's distance from center of the Sun = 150,295,000,000 meters.
The center of the moon to the center of the Earth = an average of
384,400,000 meters. For this article I will probably use 6.6739 e -ll
for universal gravational constant (G). However, most scientists believe
(G) is only accurately know to the first three digits.
Orbital period squared = {[(pi squared) times four] times (distance cubed)}
divided by [(mass body one plus the mass of body two) times the
universal gravitational constant]. You can rearrange this formula
to compute radius or mass. Distance cubed = {[(mass body one
plus the mass of body two) times the universal gravitational constant]
times (orbital period squared)} divided by [(pi squared) times four].
Mass body one plus mass body two = [(distance cubed) times (pi squared)
times 4] divided by [universal gravitational constant times (orbital
period squared)]. For this formula orbital period is in seconds. Mass
is in kilograms. Distance is the meters from the center of one body to
the center of the second body.
Circumference = radius times 2 times pi. Area of a circle =
radius squared times pi. You can multiply kilometers times
.6214 to convert to miles.
How much angular momentum did the Earth and Mars gain?
Now for some of the math. For these computations, angular
momentum equals mass in kg, times radius in meters,
times velocity in meters/sec. I am not including the angular
momentum caused by the spin of the moon or the planets. I am
also usually not including the angular momentum resulting from
the moon orbiting the Earth. When the Earth had 290
days per year the angular momentum of the Earth-moon, Mars
system was approximately 2.7596883 e 40 kg m sq'd/s. The
angular momentum of Mars when the Earth had 360 days in a
year was approximately 2.8480500 e +39 kg m sq'd/s. The
angular momentum of the Earth-moon system back then was
approximately 2.68112027 e 40 kg m sq'd/s. When the Earth
had 360 days per year the total angular momentum of the
above system was approximately 2.9659252 e 40 kg m sq'd/s.
The angular momentum increase for the Earth-moon, Mars
system from 290 days per year to 360 days per year was
approximately 2.062369 e+39 kg m sq'd/s.
The angular momentum of the Earth-moon system at 365
and 1/4 days is approximately 2.7189198 e 40 kg m sq'd/s.
The angular momentum of Mars with 686.98 earth days,
at 2.27,94 e 11 meters radius from the sun, traveling at
24,129 m/s is approximately 3.5320220 e 39 kg m sq'd/s.
This gives the three bodies a total present angular momentum
of 3.0721220 e +40 kg m sq'd/s. The angular momentum of
the Earth moon system is now approximately 2.71891984
e 40 kg m sq'd/s. The angular momentum of Mars now is
approximately 3.5320220 e 39 kg m sq'd/s. The increase
in angular momentum from 360 days to 365.25 days per Earth
year for all three objects combined was 1.061968 e +39
kg m sq'd/s.
Evidence that Planet X is not a huge planet beyond Pluto.
Question. Using the above information, can we determine
the minimum mass of planet X? Yes, I think we can. Let's try.
If planet X made a pass in 9600 BC then another pass in 701
BC that means it had an orbital period of 8,899 years which
consisted of 360 Earth days. That's 276,794,496,000 seconds.
Distance cubed = {[(mass body one plus the mass of body
two) times the universal gravitational constant] times (orbital
period squared)} divided by [pi squared) times four]. Since
body one, the sun, is so massive, we will just use its mass,
and ignore planet X's mass. Mass of the sun = 1.989 e 30 kg.
Universal gravitational constant = 6.67390 e -11. Plugging in
the numbers we find the average distance of planet X from
the Earth during this time period was 63,629,212,335,837
meters. Next we'll take radius times two times pi to find the
circumference. Then we will divide the circumference by the
total number of seconds in 8,899, 360 day years to determine
planet X's average velocity. Dividing by 276,794,496,000
seconds, we find the average velocity of planet X was 1,444.37
m/s, prior to its 701 BC pass.
Remember, the Earth-moon, Mars, together gained 2.062369
e+39 kg m sq'd/s in angular momentum when planet X caused
the Earth to increase from 290 days per year to 360 days
per year.
In 701 BC recall that planet X lost 1.061968 e +39 kg m sq'd/s.
Just for fun let's assume planet X will return in 2012 AD. That
would reduce planet X's orbital period to 2713, 365.25 day
Earth years or 85,615,768,800 seconds. If planet X returns in 2012
AD its average distance from the sun would be
29,101,860,485,372 meters. Its average velocity would be
956.447 m/s.
Let's try to compute planet X's loss in angular momentum
using the above information, and 1.66 e 22 kg as planet X's
mass. For calculations prior to 701 BC let's multiply 1.66 e
22 kg times 6.36 e 13 meters times 1,444 m/s. For
calculations after 701 BC let's use the same mass but 2.91
e 13 meters and 956 m/s. Using 1.66 e 22 kg for the mass
of planet X we get its angular momentum as 1.5245 e 39
kg m sq'd/s prior to 701 BC. We get its angular momentum
prior to a possible 2012 pass as 4.6180 e 38 kg/m sq'd/s. The
difference between the two, or Planet X's loss of angular
momentum would have been the Earth-moon, Mars, 701 BC
gain in angular momentum of 1.06 e 39 kg m sq'd/s, if planet
X's mass was 1.66 e 22 kg.
If the orbital period of planet X is now say 8,500, 365.25 Earth
day years, or 268,239,600,000 seconds, instead of 2713 years,
its average distance from the Sun is 62,311,304,348,622 meters.
Its average orbital velocity would be 1,459.56 m/s. Prior to
701 BC let us figure the average distance of planet X from
the sun was 63,629,212,335,837 meters. Planet X took 8,899,
360 Earth day years or 276,794,496,000 seconds to complete
one orbit with an average velocity of 1,444.37 m/s. If the mass
of planet X was 1.0 e 25 kg, its angular momentum prior to
701 BC would have been 9.190 e 41 kg m sq'd/s. Its angular
momentum after 701 BC would have been 9.094 e 41 kg m
sq'd/s after 701 BC. Its loss in angular momentum would
have been 9.57e 39 kg m sq'd/s. If planet X's orbital period
between Noah's flood and 701 BC was 8,899 years this tells
us two things about planet X. First, its orbital period is now
still greater than 8,500 years, and second it is clearly much
smaller than Jupiter. At 1.66 e 22 kg its mass would be less
than that of the moon's 7.35 e 22 kg.
Evidence that Planet X is not Mercury.
After I completed the above exercise I realized I was at a loss
as to where planet X might be. Whenever I get totally stumped
or loss on this type of problem I pray. I simply asked God
for his help in solving this problem. Within two or three days,
the answer came to me. I didn't have any visions or dreams.
Like several times before, the answer just came to me. No
matter how the answer came to be in my head, I thank God
for the answer. The Bible says every good and perfect gift
comes from above, from the Father. It came to me that planet
X lost angular momentum and became one of the inner
planet's. I was eager to plug in the numbers and see which
planet it might be. I found out the following about Mercury
and Venus. Note, usually I am not including the angular
momentum (L) resulting from the spin of the astronomical body
or that caused by the orbit of a moon around its planet.
Mercury: Mass is 3.3 e 23 kg. Radius is 5.791 e 10 m.
Velocity is 47,877 m/s. Angular momentum is 9.149
e 38 kg m sq'rd/s. The radius of Mars is 2.2794 e 11 m.
At a radius of 2.0 e 11 meters, Mercury's L would be
1.700 e 39 kg m sq'd/s. The difference in Mercury's L
would be 7.854 e 38 kg m sq'd/s. This is far less than
the L planet X loss. Clearly Mercury was not planet X.
Evidence that Planet X is Venus.
Venus: Mass is 4.869 e 24 kg. Radius is 1.082 e 11 m. Velocity
is 35.026 m/s. Angular momentum is 1.845 e 40 kg m sq'rd/s.
At a radius of 2.0 e 11 meters, Venus' L would be 2.508 e
40 kg m sq'd/s. The difference in Venus' L would be 6.63 e
39 kg m sq'd/s. The total L lost by planet X was only 3.72
e 39 kg m sq'd/s. Clearly, it appears Venus may have been
planet X.
Venus would have had an angular momentum of 2.2156
e 40 kg m sq'd/s when it was 1.56 e 11 meters from the
Sun. That's 3.71 e 39 kg m sq'd/s more angular
momentum then Venus has now. All total the Earth, the
moon, and Mars gained around 3.72 e 39 kg m sq'd/s.
However, I believe the past orbit of Venus was much more
elliptical than it is today. I think Venus interacted with Mars
and the Earth three times. The first time Venus interacted
with the Earth Mars system the Earth Mars system gained
angular momentum and Venus lost angular momentum.
The second time Venus interacted with the Earth Mars system
The Earth's axis precessed forward and to the left 180 degrees
in around 12 hours causing the long day of Joshua. However,
there was no exchange of angular momentum. Why? I believe it
was either the angle at which Venus swung by the Earth or Venus
was outside the Earth's "sphere of influence". The third time
Venus first swung by Mars at an angle which gave Mars some
of Venus' angular momentum. I think Venus then within minutes
swung by the Earth moon system at an angle which resulted in the
Earth moon system gaining angular momentum (L) and Venus
losing angular momentum (L). I think Venus at this time also
caused the Earth's axis to precess forward and to the left 180
degrees in around 5 and 1/2 hours. This pass in 701 BC resulted in
Mars, the Earth, and Venus coming to their present orbits.
If you view this on paper you might picture the 1400 BC long
day of Joshua taking place when the Sun was in the center of
your paper and the Earth was at the top of your paper. The
Earth's axis precessed from a right tilt forward and probably
180 to the left in around 10 or 12 hours. Then aound 700 years
later picture the Earth at the bottom of your paper. Viewed
from the Sun, in the center of the paper, the Earth would appear
to be tilted to the right. This time I believe Venus passed closer to
the Earth and caused the Earth's axis to precess from a right tilt
180 degrees forward and to the left in 5 and 1/2 hours or so. This
caused the Sun to appear to move backward in the Sky around
6.67 hours or 100 degrees.
Just so you'll know. The long or short side of the planet's
very lopsided or elliptical orbit itself orbits or moves around
the Sun.
I use to think God caused Joshua's long day and the Sun dial to
turn backward by simply turning the Earth upside down. However,
I was assured that was incorrect from a physics point of view.
Still, I do think the tilt of some planets like Venus and Uranus
have been changed, probably by some astronomical encounter.
In Sept of 2004 I finally read some of Immanuel Velikovsky's works.
I found out he was ahead of me in many ways. In "Worlds in
Collision" Immanuel Velikovsky detailed some of the astronomical
catastrophics that affected the Earth using written records and oral
traditions. In "Earth In Upheaval" he used the record in the rocks
to verify much of his first book. Although he may not have been
correct in every detail, Immanuel Velikovsky was clearly ahead of
his time. If I understand correctly, Velikovsky believed the long
day of Joshua and the turning back of the Sundial was caused by
the Earth's axis precessing 90 or 180 degrees in less than a day.
He believed in addition to the force of gravity, there was another
as yet not understood force that caused this to happen. Applying
the math we know about gyroscopes I have been unable to figure out
how Venus was able to generate enough torque to cause the Earth
to precess 180 degrees in around 12 hours. So perhaps Velikovsky
was correct. If I can successfully solve this math problem, dealing
with the rapid precession of the Earth's axis, I certainly plan to
publish the results.