Biological Evolution and the Genesis creation account- are they both true?

According to many scientists, biological evolution explains why humans and 
primates have many identical DNA errors in the same DNA locations. Biological 
evolution also explains the progression of life found in the fossil 
record. But, how can these scientists be right? Isn't biological evolution 
against the Genesis creation account? 

Note: This article does not cover the creation of our spirit, or etheric body which the Bible tells us will some day return to God from where it came. Ecclesiastes 11:6-7. We are beginning to be presented with scientific, observational, and practical evidence that we do have a spiritual body that I believe existed before our physical bodies were conceived and will survive our physical deaths. Richard Gerber, M.D. has a lot of scientific evidence showing we are far more than just physical beings in "Vibrational Medicine". In "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden and in "Energy Work" by Robert Bruce" one can get an idea about the abilities and complexities of our nonphysical spirit bodies that normally occupy the same time and space as our physical bodies but at a different vibrational frequency. Why can you tune your Radio into so many different stations without running all over the room? Because the different radio frequencies are able to occupy the same space at the same time because they are of different frequencies.
Before we examine Genesis and some other relevant scriptures let's look at two interesting discoveries scientists have made concerning the DNA code of humans and primates, like chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans.
By the way, Copyrighted 1998-2024 by Wayne Mckellips. Last updated 08 Dec 2024. Please copy and share but don't sell. You do not have permission to mirror this article or site on the Internet.
1st) Dr. Edward Max in his article "Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics" says that genetic errors, including specific pseudogenes and retroposons, appearing in humans and other species, like chimpanzees, at the same DNA locations, are evidence that humans and the other species had a common ancestor. This is very strong evidence for biological evolution.
In section 2.1 of his article "Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics" Dr. Edward Max M.D., Ph.D explains DNA for the layman. In section 2.2 through the end of section 2.2.2 he explains the different types of DNA errors found in DNA. These errors include several types of pseudogenes, which are false or non-working genes. Mutations can change the DNA code, changing good genes into pseudogenes. The DNA errors also include several kinds of retroposons which are genes that were transcribed from DNA into RNA, which then had the useless intron segments removed. However, at that point, instead of coding a protein they were then reverse transcribed back into DNA. Retroposons are useless genes and are almost always inserted back into the DNA at different locations and into different chromosomes, than they were originally taken from.
In all of section 4 Dr. Max gives many examples of pseudogenes and retroposons that humans share with other primates. Dr. Max points out that these shared errors are often at the same DNA location in both humans and various primates including chimpanzees, apes, and monkeys. Contrary to what I thought, humans share thousands, yes thousands, of exactly the same DNA errors, including retroposons, with other primates at exactly the same DNA locations or positions.
Let me illustrate the problem with retroposons in this way.
Let's say we have two rooms with identical contents. Inside each room are 24 books with different titles. I go inside the first room and cut out a total of 1000 paragraphs from among the 24 books. Then I glue each paragraph upside down to different pages in these 24 books randomly, without regard to which book I cut the paragraph out of. Then I hand you, the reader, the scissors and glue. Your job is to go into the second room and cut out the same 1000 paragraphs I cut out. No cheating! I won't tell you which paragraphs I cut out. After you cut out 1000 paragraphs you are to glue them upside down inside the various books as you see fit. What are the chances you would cut out the same 1000 paragraphs I cut out? What are the chances you would glue the paragraphs you cut out in the same locations in your set of books as I did mine?
I think the chances to the above two things happening are zero. Yet, that is almost what we see in the case of thousands of retroposons that have been reinserted in humans and other primates at the same DNA locations.
2nd) The March 1982 issue of Science magazine on pages 1526-1527 has pictures of the chromosomes of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan, arranged in order beside each other. The article titled, "The Origin of Man: A Chromosomal Pictorial Legacy" by J. J. Yunis and O. Prakash, runs from page 1525 to 1530. The pictures show that each numbered chromosome in humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, look almost the same, and are almost the same length, with one exception. The exception is chromosome number 2 in humans. However, if one fused chromosome numbers 2p, and 2q of chimpanzee together, the result would look almost like human chromosome number 2 looks. Why?
Now, exactly what does the scripture say about the creation of the various forms of life on earth? Let's ask some questions and look carefully in the text for our answers.
Question 1) Who was suppose to bring forth the various "kinds" of life, according to God? Genesis 1:11-12 tells us, "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, ... and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass," etc. (All scripture quotations are from the KJV (King James Version) unless otherwise noted.) In Genesis 1:24-25 God said, "Let the earth bring forth ... after its kind." Then we read, "God made ... after its kind."
Answer= The earth.
Question 2) Did God say how the earth should bring forth the various forms of life? See Genesis 1:11, 24.
Answer= No.
Question 3) Is God the creator? That is, did God bring about or make the various forms of life? Genesis 1:20-21, 24-31.
Answer= Yes.
Question 4) Does the Bible record first the creation of mankind in general then later the specific creation of Adam and Eve? Genesis 1:26 says, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Genesis 1:27 tells us, "So God created man is his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." This was done on the sixth day according to Genesis 1:31. Later, in Genesis 2:7-8 we read, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted (or had planted) a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." Genesis 2:21-22 tells us, "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from the man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."
Answer = Possibly.
I use to think the account of the creation of Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter two was just an indepth description of the birdseye view of the creation of the earth and humans found in Genesis chapter one. That may be, but now I believe Genesis 1 is about the general creation of humans probably via evolution. While Genesis 2 details the special creation of Eve from Adam's rib and the creation of Adam directly from the dust of the earth. If this viewpoint is correct, Adam was the "protos" first man in importance, but not the first man in time.
Question 5) How long did God take to bring about the various forms of life?
Answer= The Bible doesn't say.
Question 6) What method did God use to bring about the various forms of life?
Answer= Since I wasn't alive back then I don't know for sure. However, I will give four possible answers with what I feel are their strong and weak points.
Question 7) How was Eve made?
Answer= Eve was made from Adam's rib, which God had taken out of Adam. Genesis 2:20-23.
Question 8) When were Adam and Eve made?
Answer = The text doesn't say. We can only look at the text and the evidence found in God's creation to make an educated guess.
Among Christians who believe Adam was the "protos" first man in time, some think Adam and Eve were made around 6 million years ago. Other Christians of this persuasion think Adam and Eve were created around 120 thousand, or 40 thousand, or 20 thousand, or even 6 thousand years ago.
Among Christians who think Adam was the "protos" first man in importance most seem to think Adam and Eve were created between 120 thousand to 20 thousand years ago.
Now, let's go back to question 7. I'd like to present 4 possible answers to explain how God brought about or made the various forms of life. Remember, in Psalm 19:1-2 God tells us the heavens and the skies constantly tell everyone about him and his handiwork. I doubt that God designed them so studing them would lead us to faulty conclusions. When God speaks to us through his creation or through his word he always tells us the truth. In all these viewpoints, Eve was made from Adam's rib.
POSSIBILITY # 1) God may have made each new life form from the kind of dust one finds on the side of a dirt road as time progressed. This idea is called "progressive creation."
Strong points: Fits well with the traditional Christian understanding.
Weak points: Progressive creation does not appear to explain the thousands of DNA errors, including retroposons, humans share with other primates at exactly the same DNA locations. It does not seem to explain why each numbered chromosome in humans has so much in common with the like numbered chromosome in chimpanzees, etc. However, if this idea is correct it would appear God used a lot of the DNA of older life forms and just added to it and reordered some of it as He created newer life forms.
POSSIBILITY # 2) God may have made the various life forms including humans via evolution. If so, how was Adam made from "dust?"
The first idea is that Genesis 1:26-27 records the creation of humans via evolution. Later, in Genesis chapter 2 we read how God made Adam and Eve. According to this idea, many years after God first made humans via evolution, he then made Adam directly from dust, so he was genetically like other humans. Then God made Eve directly from Adam's rib. I believe Adam was the "protos" first man in importance but probably not in time.
The second idea. which I don't agree with, is that God made Adam indirectly from dust. This is the idea that Adam had parents who were not quite human. Christians who hold to this idea believe God made Adam from the kind of "dust" God was referring to when he told Adam, "You are dust." Genesis 3:19. "Dust" sometimes refers to living bodies. Genesis 18:27. Numbers 23:10. Ecclesiastes 12:7. Remember, all life forms are ultimately made from "dust," that is, the elements. Some Christians of this persuasion think the creation of Adam and Eve occurred as long as 6 million years ago.
Both the above ideas believe God made Eve from Adam's rib after God made Adam. In Genesis 2:7-25 we read about the creation of Adam and Eve, whom God had conversations with and whom God put in the Garden of Eden. The text tells us "the Lord God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and God breathed into his body the breath of life. And man became a living soul." We also read that "God took one of Adam's ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and took her to Adam." As far as I can tell from the text Eve was made directly from Adam's rib. Remember God almost instantly changed the staff of Moses into a snake that was probably genetically like other snakes of its kind. Exodus 4:2-4.

Was Adam the "protos," first man- in importance, or in time?

Is Adam called the first man, because he was the first human God 
made or because he was the human God chose to work with, and to 
represent humans? "Protos" in 1st Corinthians 15:45,47 in Greek can 
mean the first one in time or the first one in importance, that is, 
the chief one. In Matthew 22:38 "protos" means the first one in 
importance, not the first one given. Likewise, "prototokos" can mean 
the first one born, or even the chief one. That's why God called 
Joseph's son, Ephraim, his firstborn, "bekowr," and had Jacob give the 
major blessing to him even though his brother Manasseh came out of the 
womb before him. Jeremiah 31:9. Genesis 41:50-52. Genesis 48:8-22. That 
is also why Jesus, the creator, is called the firstborn of all creation. 
Jesus is the "prototokos," chief, or you might say ruler of all 
creation. Colossians 1:15-17. Just as Jesus was not the "last" man to 
live on the earth, it's very possible Eve's husband Adam may not have 
been the first man to live on the earth. 1st Corinthians 15:45. That 
would explain why Cain was so concerned someone would find him and kill 
him. Genesis 4:14-15. 

Jesus' sacrificial death brought righteousness to believers who lived after him as well as believers who lived before him. Job 19:25-27. Hebrews 11:13,39-40. Hebrews 2:9. Hebrews 10:4,10-14. Hebrews 9:15. In like manner, I believe Adam, when he sinned as the chief or representative of mankind, brought sin and death to all humans, whether they lived and died before or after him. Romans 5:12-21. Like Jesus, all humans are born without sin, but into a sinful world. However, unlike Jesus, every human has chosen to sin, as soon as he was old enough to know and chose between good and evil. Romans 9:11. Deuteronomy 1:39. Mark 10:14-15. Hebrews 4:14-15. Romans 3:12,23. Psalms 51:1-7. Romans 5:13.
We share in the physical consequences of Adam's sin when we suffer and die physically. We share in the spiritual consequences of Adam's sin when we follow his example and sin, thus dying spiritually. In a sense, Adam's sin causes us to suffer and die physically, but our own sins cause us to die spiritually. A person becomes a sinner when he disobeys God. Sin is not inherited in our genes. If sin was inherited, wouldn't Jesus have been born a sinner? Remember, Jesus was fully human, born of the seed of a woman. Ezekiel 18:20. 1st John 3:4. James 4:17. Romans 6:23. Isaiah 59:2. John 1:1,14. Galations 4:4.
What about cloned people? We now have the technology to clone people. People will probably be cloned whether we like it or not. How will cloned men and women inherit Adam's sin? They won't! They won't be born sinners anymore than we are. Yet like us, they will chose to disobey God and sin almost as soon as they are able to chose between right and wrong. Cloned people will be just as human, sinful, and spiritual as we are.
The "Scriptural refutation of Inherited Sin" titled "Calvinism Refuted," has more scriptures and thoughts on this subject. "Creation, Evolution and Adam" has a couple great articles, one shows that Adam was our representative head, and another refutes the argument that Biblically, death, and decay couldn't have existed before Adam sinned.
If Adam and Eve were "protos" first in importance, but not first in time, it's likely God made Adam, directly from the dust of the earth. That is, it's possible God made Adam and Eve genetically like humans that were contempories of them, just like I think he did when he turned Moses staff into a snake. That snake was probably genetically like other snakes of its species. Exodus 4:2-4.
If men and women existed before Adam and Eve, why did God chose to make Eve from Adam's rib, and Adam from dust? Why did God put them in a special garden and work with them and their descendants from that point on? I think it was so we would have a starting or reference point. Also, just as God later chose to call and work with a man named Abram, the time was now right for God to work with humans, that they might become clearly aware of their sins and their need of a redeemer.
Note: The question might arise, If humans were made first via evolution then Adam was made later directly from the dust so he was genetically like other humans does it matter if I can trace any or all of my ancestors to Adam and Eve? I don't think it matters at all. If your ancestors are Jewish or Arab you might be able to trace your ancestors back to Adam and Eve because your a descent of Abraham or Terah. However, if your a Gentile, like me, you may not be able to trace all your ancestors back to Adam and Eve. I figure Adam is my representative human forefather even if I'm genetically related to some degree, to humans who lived before, or contemporary with Adam and Eve. 1st Corinthians 15:44-49.
When did God create modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens?) Perhaps 120 thousand years ago. This timing is suggested by the dating of huminid fossils. It has also been suggested that humans appeared 130,000 years ago. An analysis of the DNA in the mitochondria in our cells puts the common female ancestor of humans at 120,000 to 150,000 years ago. An analysis of the DNA in the nucleus of our cells puts the common male ancestor of humans at 188,000 to 270,000 years ago. However, these dates are not written in stone. There is even some evidence that some mitochondria DNA and some nuclear DNA sometimes mix or migrate. Scientists, not only use DNA to trace the origins of humans, but to track their movements. Michael Roberts, has a great article explaining the two theories which explain the beginnings and dispersal of Homo sapiens. Notice his summary near the end of his article, and his following notes.
When did the ancesters of humans appear? The following was adopted from several articles on the internet. Approximately 3 million years ago Australopithecus appeared. They were bipedal with a small brain. 2.5 million years ago Homo Habilis appeared. They had simple tools and a slightly larger brain. 1.9 million years ago Homo Erectus appeared. They had better tools, fire, and a larger brain. 300,000 years ago Homo Sapiens appeared in Africa. They had a larger brain. 70,000 years ago they began moving out of Africa and began interbreeding with others inclucing Neanderthals. Today many people have 2% Neanderthal DNA. They had more complex tools. Around 10,000 years ago it's believed they went from being hunter gathers to people who domesticated animals and plants and lived in villages and complex societies.
When was "the Adam" made that God put in the Garden of Eden, and that God talked with, and from whom God took a rib and made Eve? If the above paragraphs are correct, I would assume Adam and Eve probably lived in the Garden of Eden just a few thousand years before Noah's "erets" flood. However, if we say that Adam was the "protos" first man in time, then we must look at Glenn Morton's evidence that Adam may have been made around 6 million years ago. Here are some quick links that examine the antiquity of humans. Some Paleoanthropology links from talk origins. Human Evolution= a chart, fossils, tools, etc. The Record of Human Evolution by Eric Delson. Human Evolution= you try it. The Life & Times of Early Man with a cheat sheet. The Antiquity and the Unity of the Human Race Revisited" by Davis A. Young, professor of geology at Calvin College, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Julie Gephart wrote a short interesting article on tracing human migration and origins by studing human specific Alu retroposons. She cited information from "Proceedings of the National Academy of science USA, vol. 91, pp. 12288-12292, December 1994.
Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania think the decendants of primates like apes, became able to grow much bigger brains which eventually resulted in humans when mutations approximately 2.4 million years ago resulted in smaller and weaker jaw muscles which allow the skull and brain to expand significantly. I read this in "Chin UP: Ape-Human Split Was a Jaw-Breaker"
While watching I learned humans have approximately 23,000 genes, similiar to the number of genes possessed by most species of plants and animals. Some species of plants and animals have more slightly more genes than humans and some have slightly less genes than humans. Only around 2 percent of DNA is genes which codes proteins. 98 percent of DNA is not genes and does not code proteins. Much of the non gene section of DNA is thought to be junk DNA. However, apparently in the non gene DNA there are sections of DNA called switches. These DNA switches turn the genes on and off. There are also DNA switch controllers. The DNA switch controllers tell the DNA switches when to turn the genes on and off and for how long to leave the genes turned on. It seems some scientists have found some of the DNA switches and switch controllers. However, I didn't find anyone who as yet understands the code of the DNA switches and switch controllers. It seems the activity of the DNA switches and their controllers is most important during the embro period of development.
Glenn Morton, a Christian creationist who also believes in evolution, believes Adam was made around 5.5 million years ago. Since our bodies are called dust, Glenn theorizes God may have made Adam from (dust) that is, the union of two nonhuman bodies. Genesis 3:19, 2:7, 18:27. Numbers 23:10. Ecclesiastes 12:7. Glenn offers specific scientific and Biblical reasons he feels this is true. Notice especially the writeups under Evolution, the Origin of Man, and the Place of Fossil Man.
Glenn Morton used to be an ardent young earth creationist until he came across some startling evidence regarding the antiquity of the earth. You can access information about his two well documented books, "Foundation, Fall and Flood: A Harmonization of Genesis and Science" and "Adam, Apes, and Anthropology" at
Glenn believes God made Eve from Adam's rib. Glenn Morton reveals the entire geologic column is found in proper order at 24 different locations. Glenn, a Bible believing christian, examines whether this evidence supports a world wide flood and a young earth or a local "erets" flood and evolution.
Strong points: Believes Eve was made from Adam's rib. Believes God is the author and creator of life. Believes the Genesis creation account is true. Believes the events in the Garden of Eden actually took place. For some, believes Adam was made directly from the dust of the ground. Explains why humans have DNA errors in common with other primates at the same DNA locations. Agrees with over 29 scientific evidences for macroevolution of all life forms on earth from one original life form as detailed by Douglas Theobald, Ph.D. at Be sure to click on the previous and Next arrows.
Weak points: Is not in agreement with the traditional understanding for how and when the first human (in time) was made. (However, this does not make it wrong.)
When I was first convinced by the evidence that evolution had actually happened, I started arguing with God. I remember thinking, "God couldn't have done it that way." Then I thought, "Who am I to tell God how He could or couldn't do something? He can do things anyway he wants to."
For the record, I believe the evolution of all life forms, should be taught as a theory, not as a fact. We cannot presently dublicate or observe the evolution of say, humans, from lower life forms. So, how can we say the evolution, of all life forms, is a fact. A scientific fact, to me, should be able to be verified and observed by others. I say this as someone who believes that even the evolution of the human life form occurred. But that is my belief, I cannot take you back in time so you can see it happening. We cannot go back in time and see the beginnings of various humanoid life forms, including humans. So, while I believe the evidence supports most of the macro-evolutionary theory of origins, I cannot say it is a fact. I believe it is totally wrong to try and make a teacher or student say they believe evolution is a fact. I think, science students and teachers should know what the theory of evolution is and the scientific evidences for it. But, no one's grade or job should depend on their belief in evolution. To do that, to me, would be religious persecution. They may believe in progressive creation, Dr. Senapathy's theory or some modified version of his theory, or some other theory. A person has a right to adhere to their religious convictions about origins.
POSSIBILITY # 3) God may have made the various life forms from pools or oceans full of genetic material as Dr. Senapathy theorizes in his nonreligious book "The Independent birth of Organisms." Dr. Senapathy, a molecular biologist, believes each unique "kind" can diversify somewhat into different species but only so far. The many species of snails would be one kind while the various species of crabs would be a different kind. Dr. Senapathy did intensive research on gene structure for several years. He believed in macro-evolution. However, he became convinced that theory of origins was incorrect.
Strong points: Fits fairly well with the traditional understand of the creation. Could explain why humans share some DNA errors with other primates at the same DNA locations. Gives answers to some, I feel, difficult questions like: Why are the genes in eukaryotes, like humans, composed of introns (noncoding sections), and exons (coding sections). Why are the longest exons in eukaryotes limited to about 600 nucleotides? Why are so many exons in eukaryotes so very short? Why does each "kind" have its own unique and different developmental genetic pathway (DGP)? Since a "kinds" DGP is very complex how could a new and different DGP have evolved via many small steps over many generations? This seems to be an example of what can happen, if the DGP of a seed cell - zygote, is rearranged. Why was there a sudden explosion of new life forms on earth millions of years ago?
Weak points: In my view, doesn't explain why humans share thousands, of DNA errors of various types with other primates at the same DNA locations. I now think the genetic filled ponds would have ceased to exist shortly after oxygen became plentyful in earth's atmosphere. I think the oxygen would have eventually made unusable the genetic material that wasn't inside a cell. It may have been able to exist for a time but not hundreds of millions of years. It also doesn't explain why all the chromosomes of humans, chimpanzees, etc, are so similiar. I believe it also does not answer the Many scientific evidences for macroevolution and the common descent of all life forms on earth from one original life form, as detailed by Douglas Theobald, Ph.D., at Be sure to click on the Next arrows.
POSSIBILITY # 4) Dr. Senapathy's theory about the independent birth of organisms in combination with evolution and the creation of Adam directly from dust. Dr. Senapathy believes the ponds or oceans full of genetic material ceased to exist at the end of the cambrian explosion of new life forms about 540 million years ago. He believes all the various "kinds" existed at that time.
This view is that Dr. Senapathys ponds or oceans full of genetic material were responsible for the explosion of many new life forms on earth. These genetic filled pools did cease to exist at the end of the cambrian explosion due to oxidation by oxygen. Then, in the millions of years that followed, many other new life forms including the various primates like monkeys and humans came about via evolution. (Click on various time periods.) If this idea is correct, instead of having just one evolutionary life tree there might be five or ten or even a thousand, etc.
Eventually, Adam, who was probably the "protos" first man- in importance, but not necessarily in time, was made directly from "dust." All life forms are ultimately from "dust," that is, the elements. Then, God made Eve from Adam's rib. God, of course, is the author and creator of all life.
Strong points: (May explain the cause of the Cambrian explosion of new life forms. There is a good article on the sudden appearance of many new kinds of life, in the December 4, 1995 issue of "Time Magazine." See Dr. Senapathy's explanation for the Cambrian explosion of new life forms.
This idea may also explain how God brought about the first cells. (See Reference # 1.) Explains why the first cells probably had introns and exons. Explains how the first cells could easily have been randomly coded, since they had exons (short coding sections) seperated by introns (long noncoding sections.) Believes Eve was made from Adam's rib. Believes Adam was made directly from the dust of the Earth. Believes God is the author and creator of life. Believes the Genesis creation account is true. Believes the events in the Garden of Eden actually took place. Explains why humans have DNA errors in common with other primates at the same DNA locations.
Weak points: Is not in agreement with traditional Christian belief. (However, this does not make it wrong.) I am not ready to completely disregard Dr. Senapathy's theory. However, I believe his theory does not answer the 29 scientific evidences for the macroevolution of all life forms on earth from one original life form as detailed by Douglas Theobald, Ph.D. at Be sure to click on the previous and Next arrows.
Reference # 1) If I understand correctly, Dr. Senapathy believes in earth's past there were several seas or ponds which held large amounts of amino acids, nucleotides, fats, sugars, etc, which combined to form DNA and RNA strands. He thinks the ponds also resulted in various short protein chains yielding numerous catalytic abilities. He believes primitive genetic replication, recombination, transcription, splicing, cutting, and translation occurred in these ponds, due to the catalytic abilities of various short protein chains. In fact, Dr. Senapathy gives cases where experiments designed to reproduce chemical evolution have resulted in amino acids randomly linking together, resulting in various enzymatic functions. In time, the current replication, splicing, translation, recombination, etc, methods were coded from DNA. He feels over time different genes and genomes were assembled in these ponds. Many copies of genes, as well as RNA strands, and DNA chromosomes, were made and are found in various organisms. Yet, each organism also has its own unique genes. He believes organisms arose from these ponds fulled formed from what he calls "seed cells." (See pages 205-219, 295-313 of Dr. Senapathy's Independent Birth book.)
Phospholipids are formed when conditions thought to exist on the earth before the appearance of oxygen are reproduced in a lab. Shaking forms phospholipids into balls. Thus, the first cell membranes were probably formed from phospholipids, a type of fat. Different strands of DNA, RNA, etc, were probably trapped inside many of these balls as they formed. The idea I'm presenting is that some of these were viable, thus living cells were formed. Remember, God had said, "Let the earth bring forth..." Of course, God may have used a totally different method to produce the first living cells.
Additional information and references:
Biology Links from Harvard University Dept of Molecular & Cellular Biology. Talk origins lists many topics dealing with biological evolution from abiogenesis to trilobites and beyond.
Here are some examples of different species developing from one "kind." More examples of speciation.
See Stromatolites, the oldest fossils found so far. Here you can see all kinds of fossils.
Pattle P. T. Pun who has a Ph.D in biology from State University in Buffalo, New York covers supposed transitional links to humans and other species in depth in his book "Evolution Nature & Scripture In Conflict?" Pages 80-117. He also discusses the fossil record, empirical evidence, progressive creation, the genesis days, "min" or kind, plus the appearance of humans on pages 80-117, 201-205, 228, 252-256, 260-268, On the above pages he also discusses the overlapping day-age view, and a modified intermittent day view..
As Christians, we need not fear real scientific evidence. Of course, we shouldn't blindly accept any and all theories. If we can figure out how God did something, that does not make it any less miraculous. God has often intervened directly in human history. I think he foresaw and planned Noah's flood billions of years before it happened. Our God truely is all wise and all knowing. His intelligence is unmeasurable. In a game of chess, Satan wouldn't stand a chance against God. I think Satan thought he could overthrow God because God hadn't shown him all of his knowledge or power. We can ascribe the universe and ourselves to blind chance and live for ourselves and the Devil, or we can give the glory and our obedience to God, our creator. God always lets us chose. Will you chose to obey and trust him? Or will you chose to reject him?
Great helpful books: Gleason Archer's, "Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties." "The Independent Birth of Organisms" by Dr. Senapathy. Dr. Senapathy's nonreligious book is published by Genome Press 583 D'Onofrio Drive Suite 3 Madison, WI 53719. e-mail: "Creation and Time" by Dr. Hugh Ross an Christian astronomer. You can contact Reasons To Believe at P.O. Box 5978 Pasadena CA 91117. Phone # 818-335-1480. Their home page on the Internet is


Remember, "planted" and "made" can also be translated "had planted," 
and "had made." Genesis 2:8-9. Also, humans are created in the moral and 
spiritual image of God. God doesn't have a physical body, although He can 
appear in a humanoid form. Genesis 1:26-27. John 4:24. Luke 24:39. 
Colossians 1:15. Exekiel 1:26-2:1.

I believe God has brought forth intelligent life forms on many planets in our universe and galaxy. I believe some of these intelligent life forms are more advanced and some are less advanced than we are. I would not be at all surprised to some day find out that He used evolution and His creativity to bring about all the life forms on these planets. I also believe physical beings more advanced than us have learned how to genetically extent their lives, as well as increase their intelligence, strength, and immune systems.

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